A former Fluid Systems Engineer with Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipbuilding, Alton is a powerful award-winning speaker who will leave the audience more than satisfied. His acclaimed programs are impacting people for a lifetime, not just a moment. His life models his teachings and he has been on a pursuit to make this world a better place for more than a decade. From the classroom to the boardroom, Alton Jamison is the living embodiment of making it against all odds. Alton’s unique style of speaking, his personal story of triumph, his innovative presentations combined with his strong technical background, make a rare and compelling combination. Prepare to be blown away and experience why he’s one of the country’s most engaging and dynamic speakers!

Alton originates from Hopewell, a small town in Central Virginia. He grew up in a single parent home, while his father was in and out of prison. His mother struggled to take care of him while he tried his best to become a man despite his father’s absence. Throughout his life, he has faced numerous obstacles and challenges. However, he has developed the principle that he is bigger and better than his environment. His passion is to teach others how to remove the “mental handcuffs” from lives to achieve any dream possible.



No More Handcuffs (Keynote: 45-60 minutes)
Walk with Alton through this powerful message of how a young man with a dream was able to overcome life without a father, poverty, and the fact that he was destined to become another statistic. Through desire and determination, he defied the odds and succeeded. Now his desire is to show others they are only one choice away from a different life. Alton’s story is a message of hope, determination, and motivation for those who feel they have been handcuffed because of their past, statistics, or their current situation. Alton’s simple, yet profound message of No More Handcuffs instills the belief into people that there is nothing they cannot achieve and overcome, when they remove the Mental Handcuffs from their lives.

Students Will Learn:
•    How to overcome any mental barrier to achieve success.

•    How to remove any excuse preventing them from achieving their goals.

•    How real leaders set trends and pave their own course instead of following others.

•    How to develop positive self-esteem within themselves and how to start thinking and speaking positive.


You M.A.T.T.E.R. (Keynote: 45-60 minutes)
Leaders need to be equipped with the proper tools in order to effectively connect and impact the lives of young people. Alton’s “You M.A.T.T.E.R.” presentation challenges administrators, teachers, youth workers and leaders to take their passion for working with young people to the next level. This presentation provides practical tools and insight on creating a positive atmosphere when working with youth and teaches real methods to help young people overcome real problems. You M.A.T.T.E.R. will challenge you and your organization to rise to a higher level and make an impact on young people that will last a lifetime.

Educators and Administrators Will Learn:
•    6 principles to impact the lives of students on daily basis.

•    How to reach hard to reach youth.

•    A positive thinking model to change the atmosphere of the classroom and school.

•    How to develop a mindset to impact students for a lifetime and not just a moment.



Urban Youth and Engineering (Workshop: 60-90 minutes w/optional Q&A)
Why is it is so hard today to get more urban youth involved in the fields of engineering and science? Why are the numbers so low? What is the problem and more importantly, what is the solution? During this workshop, Alton will discuss the 8 Principles of Increased Involvement. As a former mechanical engineer along with humble beginnings in the urban environment, Alton speaks from the heart as someone who intimately and personally understands the complex dynamics behind this problem. When working with urban youth, it’s more than just asking them to take an advance course or to study more. You must truly understand the nature of the urban youth. You must grasp the environment and culture they come from. You must understand the mindset of the people they interact with on a daily basis within their own community. Working with urban youth, at its core, is truly “work.” It reaches beyond the four walls of the classroom.


Meet The P.A.R.E.N.T.S. (Workshop: 60-90 minutes w/optional Q&A)
This session is geared towards parents and/or guardians to provide them with key secrets to connecting with youth. These keys provide practical insight and personal wisdom that enables any parent and/or guardian to effectively reach any young person. Alton focuses on key issues like the importance of daily quality time and speaking positive affirmations into the life of your children. This session is a great follow-up session to the No More Handcuffs keynote, positively reinforcing the principle that young people can succeed as soon as they remove their Mental Handcuffs.